Congratulations to our PhD student Miriana Di Stefano for her presentation at RDKit UGM2022

12/10/2022 – Miriana Di Stefano, a doctoral student of the mmvsl group, has taken part in 11th RDKit UGM2022 Conference in Berlin presenting VenomPred Platform with an oral presentation and a poster.

For more details:

Congratulations to our doctoral student Salvatore Galati for his presentation at MMCS 2022

08/09/2022 – Salvatore Galati, a PhD student gave an oral comunication entitled “VenomPred: A Machine Learning Based Platform for Molecular Toxicity Predictions” at the MMCS 2022 meeting (

Congratulations to postdoc researcher Giulia Bononi for being awarded a TUMA2022 travel grant

02/09/2022 – Giulia Bononi, a postdoc reseracher of the mmvsl group has been awarded a TUMA2022 travel grant. At this meeting ( she gave an oral comunication entitled “Identification of a new series of reversible MAGL inhibitors based on a benzylpiperidine scaffold.”