Contamination Lab UNIPI award for our project MolBook Pro

Happy to announce that our project MolBook Pro was awarded at the Contamination Lab, the laboratory of the University of Pisa which trains students, doctoral and post-doc students on the topics of entrepreneurship, and innovation, providing the tools for the development of entrepreneurial ideas, the creation of business models and the creation of academic startups.

Beta Release 1.4 of MolBook UNIPI is now available!

11/10/2023 – Beta Release 1.4 of MolBook UNIPI is available. Try it!

Click here to download it.

Release 1.4 Beta:

  • Added model for prediction of binding to plasma albumin in the ADMEPred tool
  • Added ReactionSearcher tool
  • Included the possibility of protonating molecules at physiological pH
  • Added minimization process during 3D coordinate generation
  • Fixed bug when exporting sdf files (occured if the database had field whose name started with “_”)

Congratulations to our PhD student Miriana Di Stefano selected for oral presentation at ESMEC 2023

06/07/2023 Miriana Di Stefano, a doctoral student of the mmvsl group, has taken part in 42nd edition of European School of Medicinal Chemistry in Urbino presenting the upgrading of the VenomPred Platform with an oral presentation and a poster.

Congratulations to our PhD student Miriana Di Stefano for her presentation at RDKit UGM2022

12/10/2022 – Miriana Di Stefano, a doctoral student of the mmvsl group, has taken part in 11th RDKit UGM2022 Conference in Berlin presenting VenomPred Platform with an oral presentation and a poster.

For more details:

Congratulations to our doctoral student Salvatore Galati for his presentation at MMCS 2022

08/09/2022 – Salvatore Galati, a PhD student gave an oral comunication entitled “VenomPred: A Machine Learning Based Platform for Molecular Toxicity Predictions” at the MMCS 2022 meeting (